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Ranching Like a 12-Year-Old!

Ranching Like a 12-Year-Old: Ranching That is Simple, Easy, and Fun! by author and ranching expert, Tom Krawiec’s is now available on PageMaster In Ranching Like a 12-Year-Old: Ranching That is Simple, Easy, and Fun! PageMaster author / creative, experienced rancher and agripreneur, Tom Krawiec shares his love and passion for ranching. The book aims […]

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Fox Stew 2: Fox Stew Returns!

Fox Stew 2: Fun at the Zoo by children’s author / PageMaster creative, Sandy Smith is now available on PageMaster Readers and followers of Sandy’s Smith’s Fox Stew series will not be disappointed with its sequel, Fox Stew 2. In this exciting sequel, Fox humbly invites Hen to dine at the zoo to enjoy some […]

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Reinventing My World, A Story of Healing

Reinventing My World: Life After Stroke by new PageMaster creative, Joslien Wannechko, is now available on PageMaster! Not everyone lives to tell their story after a major stroke. Joslien Wannechko’s personal memoir, Reinventing My World: Life After Stroke will inspire you and move you. In the author’s own words, “If you allow yourself to feel […]

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Formatting for readability

Line length On a page over 6 inches wide, text lines are generally too long for comfortable reading in a single column. Typesetting guidelines suggest an optimal line length is between 1.5 and 2 alphabets (39-52 characters). The standard letter format with 1″ margins on a 8.5″x11″ page is too long. Do your readers a favour […]

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Publsihing 25 years, rolling with changes f14plusHarrierFlyBy-P8180456

25 years! Rolling with industry changes!

In the 25 years since incorporating PageMaster, there have been significant disruptions. The intention was never to become a commercial print or graphic design shop; but to provide efficient, high-quality services around publishing. This is a reflection on the past 25 years in publishing, and how the company has rolled with industry changes and opportunities. Three […]

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