The winter chill is setting in, but that doesn’t mean PageMaster hasn’t been cooking up some new goodness to warm your creative soul. We are pleased to announce a new service for our authors and artists that will help you tell your story online. PageMaster Sites.
The service will offer professional, solid websites for authors and artists wanting to promote their work. PageMaster will initially set the websites up on our server, using one of our beautiful and functional custom templates, then authors and artists will then be able to add or edit content whenever they like, at no charge. We are using WordPress as the foundation for these sites, a piece of software used by millions and millions of sites on the internet today. We believe in WordPress so much that we use it for our own website (which you’re reading right now). WordPress allows you to login to your website at any time and make changes within an easy to use interface. We will offer training for those interested in managing their sites, both online and in workshops on site. Plans that include content updates from PageMaster will also be available.
All of the details will be coming out in the next couple of weeks, but in the meantime, we’d like to show you the site we’ve been working on to get things set up. Acrylic and silk artist Lori Youngman has taken the plunge to become the first ever user of PageMaster Sites, and we think her online presence is looking fabulous. See for yourself at
We’ll share more with you very soon, but if you have any questions in the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us.