Category Archives for "The Work"

Formatting for readability

Line length On a page over 6 inches wide, text lines are generally too long for comfortable reading in a single column. Typesetting guidelines suggest an optimal line length is between 1.5 and 2 alphabets (39-52 characters). The standard letter format with 1″ margins on a 8.5″x11″ page is too long. Do your readers a favour […]

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Pricing your book guide

Pricing your book

Is your book priced right? With the rise of self-publishing, authors have the responsibility of setting the price for their book. I am often asked for guidance and have seen pricing mistakes. This article considers basic pricing components and a simplified break-even analysis to help you understand pricing options.“The moment you make a mistake in […]

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3 Books On Craft All Writers Should Read

What’s a better way to be inspired to write than by turning to those who are already successful in the craft? Writing and reading go hand in hand—here are 3 books on craft that all writers should read. On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser Praised for his clarity and […]

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Pen and Paper Image

All About NaNoWriMo

November often signals the start of winter—the days are shorter, the nights are longer. The air becomes crisp and, depending on where you live, there might already be snow on the ground. Many choose to take refuge indoors during November. Some prefer to spend the month binging their favourite series on Netflix, others take up […]

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folding art and note cards

Steps to publish your art as cards, notecards or postcards

Publishing your work as art cards, notebooks and postcardsArt cards, notebooks and postcards are excellent for getting your name out there while earning some coin. Notebooks are working well for abstract artists where color and feeling draw. Postcards are great for photographs and promotion.  Art cards are used as stationary and often framed. They are available in a […]

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