If you have any interest in marketing your book or art online, you really need to think about having a list and growing your list. For most first time authors and artists, it can be a little daunting to create a newsletter. While there are some free services you can take a look at (like YMLP, TinyLetter, and even MailChimp), you can also simply use your WordPress site and Feedburner.
Yes, it’s a little complicated to set up but there is an excellent tutorial here: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/create-a-free-email-newsletter-service-using-wordpress/
Once it’s set up it’s a simple as posting to the category you’ve set up and feeburner sends it out when you tell it to all automatically.
I think the simplicity of using it (once it is set up) makes it well worth checking out. Take a look and let me know what you think. Do you use a paid email service or free one? Do you even use one at all? Tell me in the comments.
How to Use WordPress to Send Your Newsletter – http://t.co/HQEy6LOY