Hawkeye's Diary of Indian Crafts and Information Volume II by D.G. Strickland

Discover Author D.G. Strickland

D.G. Strickland is author of Hawkeye’s Diary of Indian Crafts and Information Volume II available on PageMasterPublishing.ca. Mr. Strickland’s latest work reflects a very deep concern and appreciation for native heritage and crafts. It is not a mere text book as most text books are accepted to be, but a working manual for the teaching […]

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From the Saddle to the Pulpit by Andy Stann is about The Life and Times of Andy Stann

Discover Author Andy Stann

Andy Stann is author of the book From the Saddle to the Pulpit which is available on PageMasterPublishing.ca. Dr. Harry Nunn tells us about Andy: It has been my pleasure to know Andy Stann and to have him as a friend for a good number of years. Our association goes back to the 1950s when […]

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1 11434 120 Street T5G 2Y2


After 17 years in the downtown core PageMaster has moved 10 minutes northwest. The new location is easy to get to and parking is plentiful and free. An aspect I am excited about is the coffee room space where we can host shows, openings and book launches. We also have room for artist and author […]

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1 dr. Simon Sheh Author of Pure at Heart

Discover Author Simon Sheh

Dr. Simon Sheh is a Registered Psychologist in private practice in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He is an approved referral counselor for Focus on the Family (Canada) Clergy Care Network and FamilyLife Canada. Dr. Sheh is the creator of Pure at Heart, a men’s seminar on godly living in a sexualized world. He has a passion […]

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Shirley A. Serviss

Discover Author Shirley A. Serviss

Shirley A. Serviss is a writer, editor, writing instructor and Artist-on- the-Wards at the University of Alberta Hospital. Her first poetry collection, Model Families (Rowan Books, 1992) was short-listed for Alberta Book of the Year. Her second collection, Reading Between the Lines (Rowan Books, 2000) was nominated for the City of Edmonton Book Prize and […]

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