jared robinson

Discover Author Jared Robinson

Jared Robinson is the author of I Came to Conquer Your Planet Earth. It is available on PageMasterPublishing.ca Jared is an artist and writes about himself: In 1987 when I was 8 years old, I created my very first paintings named “Pooh Bear on a train track with some honey by a window”. Since then, […]

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audrey reid

Discover Author Audrey Weldon Reid

Audrey Weldon Reid is author of Bright Baubles, Tarnished Trickets. It’s available on PageMasterPublishing.ca Audrey Reid received her BEd in 1949 and MEd in and 1971 from the University of Alberta. Audrey taught English at Alberta College until she retired in 1989. She now devotes her time to writing stories about her life in Alberta […]

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Standard of Excellence

Discover Author Ric Rawson

Ric Rawson is author of A Standard of Excellence It is available on PageMasterPublishing.ca Ric Rawson was born in Grenada, West Indies. After being educated at The Grenada Boys Secondary School and Caracas, Venezuela, Ric worked at several libraries including St. Georges University School of Medicine. He migrated to Canada – his country of choice […]

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know your god

Discover Author Vicki Poburan

Vicki Poburan is the author of Know Your God available on PageMasterPublishing.ca. She says about herself: I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in 1984. In the beginning of my walk with the Lord I was involved in prison ministry, Hope Mission, street ministry, children’s ministry, helps ministry and music ministry. As I […]

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Lindseys Choice

Discover Author Laurel Peterson

Laurel Peterson is the author of Lindsey’s Choice, available on PageMasterPublishing.ca “LINDSEY’S CHOICE is a fabulous, must-read for all pre-teen and teenage girls faced with an abundance of important and often life-changing decisions as they grow and mature.”—Deborah Tetley Laurel Peterson received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Alberta. Her experience […]

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