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PageMaster Sites

How to Back up Your WordPress Database on your PageMaster Site

At PageMaster Sites  we create marketing websites for authors and artists and train you how to use your site to market your books and art. Check us out today. In this tutorial we show you how to back up your wordpress database on your PageMaster Site. [youtube][/youtube] See the rest of our online training. Instant SSL

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Bobo's Cabin by R.J. Faltin

Discover Author R.J. Faltin

R.J. Faltin is the author of several children’s books including Bobo’s Cabin, Bobo and the Wolf and  Bobo Gets a Big Surprise. These very long bedtime stories are true stories of a family and the very best dog in the world. Check them out today on Learn more at Instant SSL

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2 Trevor Lund

Meet the Presenter for “How to Create Your Effective Marketing Plan”

Since 2005 Trevor Lund has been helping people become writers and writers become authors and authors sell their books more effectively. He’s a sought after speaker on social media marketing and is the Book Marketing Director at PageMaster Publication Services. He wrote “Your Book Marketing Workbook” and has used it launch his own titles effectively. […]

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