1 What Can Happen With No Book Marketing Plan
Sign up for the Create Your Effective Book Marketing Plan Here Sign up today for the Create Your Effective Book Marketing Plan. Find out more details here. Instant SSL
Continue readingSign up for the Create Your Effective Book Marketing Plan Here Sign up today for the Create Your Effective Book Marketing Plan. Find out more details here. Instant SSL
Continue readingAt PageMaster Sites we create marketing websites for authors and artists and train you how to use your site to market your books and art. Check us out today. In this tutorial we show you how to work with categories in WordPress. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWwuZQSLDlc[/youtube] See the rest of our online training. Instant SSL
Continue readingGrandma Sweet Pea, aka Florence Ellis, is a Social Worker who lives in Edmonton, Alberta. Her hope is that by sharing this story, parent and child bonds can be strengthened. You can find Eye See You on PageMasterPublishing.ca Learn more at PageMasterPublishing.ca Instant SSL
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PageMaster believes people who add to the discussion deserve a platform to be part of that discussion. Effective book marketing is as essential as book distribution services. We also believe everyone is an individual and no “one-size-fits-all” approach will work for book marketing. “Create Your Effective Book Marketing Plan Workshop” takes place Monday June 11 […]
Continue readingAt PageMaster Sites we create marketing websites for authors and artists and train you how to use your site to market your books and art. Check us out today. In this tutorial we show you advanced editing in WordPress. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgLMGO92iTg[/youtube] See the rest of our online training. Instant SSL
Continue readingYou can register right now at http://shoppagemaster.ca/Book-Marketing-Workshop.html Instant SSL
Continue readingYou can register right now at http://shoppagemaster.ca/Book-Marketing-Workshop.html Are you just thinking of writing your book or have your book sales lagged behind your expectations? A book marketing plan will help you target your perfect readers and discover how you can effectively connect with them. This two-hour workshop is spread over two weeks to give you […]
Continue readingLeanne Prins Duiker and Sara Prins Hankinson wrote The Heirloom and the Maiden. It is an almost true-to-life story of a country boy, a city girl, and the unfolding journey of their love. Learn more at PageMasterMaster.ca Instant SSL
Continue readingAbdirisak Esse is the author of Ancient Stories of the Cushite People , which is traditional African oral stories now written for history, and Ayaan: Inheritor of Faded Dreams which is based on a true story of a little Somali girl whose world collapsed. Find out more at PageMasterPublishing.ca Instant SSL
Continue readingAt Pagemaster Sites we create marketing websites for authors and artists and train you how to use your site to market your books and art. Check us out today. In this tutorial we show you how to work with images in WordPress. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FElZ7oAxLI0[/youtube] See the rest of our online training. Instant SSL
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