5 The Importance of Submitting Your Book For Independent Review

One of the most effective things that authors can do to bolster sales of their book is to send copies out for independent review.  We’ve already discussed the importance of writing effective book descriptions and author biographies—which are powerful sales tools that help potential readers decide whether or not your book is right for them.  Independent book […]

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1 journeys through my heart by Debbie Chotard

Discover Author Debbie Chotard

Debbie Chotard is a poet and the author of Journeys Through My Heart. Here’s what people have said about Debbie’s poetry: “These poems are the most beautiful ones I’ve ever read! I love them so.” “These poems are really good. I especially like the one titled ‘Broken Dreams.’” “These poems are beautiful. Some make me […]

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1 Glen Carlson

Discover Author Glen Carlson

Glen Carlson attended Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and was ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. He and his wife Joan live in Stony Plain, Alberta. They have two children and six grandchildren. His books are available on PageMasterPublishing.ca Click on the books to learn more about each available title. These and […]

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1 questions and answers

Does PageMaster Market my Book?

Some first time authors fail to think about this question. Marketing takes time, money and resources. To do it well it also takes expertise. Here’s a question that has come to us recently and how we were able to answer it. Q. Is my book marketed in any way by you? A. Books that are […]

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1 Jim Butler is author as Jenny Brock and the Amazing Birds on Her Block

Discover Author Jim Butler

Jim Butler is a widely respected naturalist, ornithologist and a recently retired Professor Emeritus of Wildlife and Conservation Biology at the University of Alberta. He has a life long love for birds, a former director and the first resident-naturalist of Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in South Florida for the National Audubon Society. Recent popular works include […]

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1 Lana Buoy author of A Life in Pieces

Discover Author Lana Buoy

 Lana Buoy was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where she currently resides. She and her husband Brian raised three children: Amie, Curtis and Mallorie. Lana earned her Adaptive Physical Education Degree, majoring in programs for children with special needs. Through her educational experiences of twenty years she has worked with children affected by FASD, ADD, […]

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