Using the WordPress Content Editor to Add Images, Media and Files

PageMaster SitesAt PageMaster we want you be successful in your online marketing. We create websites  and provide you training  to see you succeed. This post is part of our series from our Site Training Workbook.

You can add images, PDF files, audio files and more to your Posts and Page, all with the Media Upload features of WordPress.

Click the “Add Media” button at the top left hand side of your Content Editor view. A screen pops up and you can drag and drop your media from your desktop or use the select files button and choose the files on your hard drive.

Let’s say you’ve uploaded an image. What comes up is some basic information about the image. You’ll see a thumbnail of the image. You can edit the image somewhat right in WordPress. To crop the image or adjust the size click the “edit” button beneath the thumbnail.

Below the thumbnail you can change the name of the image, add alternative text (do this every time, it tells bots what your image is about). You can add a caption should you choose, or add a description (which could just be your alt text). The description isn’t often used in themes.

The Link URL is one you’ll also want to change. By default it’s the image location on your server. Don’t waste a link on that. Use the link url to add a link to somewhere on your site, preferably somewhere that makes sense for the image.

Under that we have alignment. We can choose how the text wraps around our image. Our options are None (the text starts below the image), Left (the image is to the left of the text), Center (the text is above and below the image that’s centered on the screen), or Right (the image is to the right of the text).

Under that we have size. You can choose from a variety of sizes. When you upload an image in WordPress it will automatically create a variety of standard sizes. Choose the one you want, or you can use the edit button under the thumbnail to set the size to whatever you want.

Beside the Insert Button you have the option to “insert as featured image” clicking this will tell WordPress to use the image wherever your template has space for a featured image – often in any listing.

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