7 Questions to Help Your Vision For Your Book

The first time you write a book you have a message to get out or a story to tell. Most of us don’t think about our goals or expectations and until we know what to expect we have no idea what to expect. We’re here to help you at PageMaster Publication Services.

When you start the process with the end goal in mind it makes your writing, publishing, editing, design, distribution and marketing all line up. Here are seven questions to help you start to formulate your vision for your book.

  1. What is the book about?
  2. What is it’s purpose?
  3. What is the tone or feel of the book?
  4. What is its uniqueness?
  5. Who will read your book?
  6. Where are these people? What do they like or use? How do they live?
  7. Why will they encourage others to read it?

If you need help clarifying these questions, contact us and we’ll gladly help you focus on the end goal you’re working towards.

Image: graur razvan ionut / FreeDigitalPhotos.net