Discover Author Trevor Neil

Trevor NeilDr. Trevor Neil is the author of Multicultural Evangelism , Pentecost, Past, Present and Future , Prophecies of Followers in the Last Days , Secrets of Couples Enjoying Togetherness in Marriage, Training in Multicultural and Cross Cultures and Understanding the Oneness of God. All of these are available on

Dr. Trevor Neil is a prolific writer and has written many unpublished books–many of which were taught at Genesis Theological Institute, Seminars, Leadership Training for Pastors, and Ministers training. Dr. Neil has ministered in the Middle East, Europe, Africa and North America. He has visited many areas mentioned in biblical prophecy.

multicultural Evangelismpentecost past present and futureprophecies of followers in last daysSecrets of Couples Together in MarriageTraining in Multicultural and Cross CulturesUnderstanding the oneness of God

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