1 Kofi Harvey is author of Hunters and the Riddle at Star View Falls

Discover Author Kofi Harvey

Kofi Harvey is author of Hunters and the Riddle at Star View Falls. It’s available on PageMasterPublishing.ca Kofi Harvey has studied at George Brown College (Toronto, Ontario), as well as the Art Instruction School (Minneapolis, Minnesota), and his unending pursuit of knowledge has propelled him to further his education in the world of academia. His love […]

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1 On The Business of Selling Books

You’ve heard me say that books sell through sweat equity… The advent of print-on-demand book services has exploded, resulting in an oversaturation of books in today’s book market. There are, quite literally, more books being printed than are being read. The hard reality about selling books is that new titles have less than a 1% […]

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1 In the Beginning... God by Pamela Jones

Discover Author Pamela Jones

Pamela Jones is the author of In the Beginning… God available at PageMasterPublishing.ca. The book explores the core issues of Christianity and faith. As we look into the many aspects of the Almighty, we open a world of inspiration and delight acknowledging the very presence of a majestic Creator desiring fellowship with mere man. He delights in His […]

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