1 questions and answers

Does PageMaster Market to Bookstores?

I got this question the other day and it’s one a lot of people ask. Do you offer distribution/marketing services to brick and mortar stores as well as online ebook distribution and marketing in North America? We distribute to brick and mortar bookstores but at this time are not actively pursuing relationships with bookstores. Most […]

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1 questions and answers

What is Legal Deposit?

So you’ve heard us say, “We need two books for the legal deposit” and you’ve looked at us like a deer in the headlights. In this post I’ll explain what that means. Library and Archives Canada collects and preserves Canada’s documentary heritage and makes it accessible to all Canadians. The Legal Deposit is how LAC […]

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PageMaster Sites Training

Using PageMaster Sites is easy and empowering. Harnessing the power of the WordPress content management system, you can manage update your own website as needed. Video Training Here is our growing list of PageMaster Sites tutorial videos where you can learn to manage your website and learn to use WordPress, step by step. Setting Up […]

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