At PageMaster Publishing Services we specialize in small runs of books. Most of our clients don’t want to have boxes of books sitting around not making them money. That’s not to say we can’t facilitate bigger orders. We’re excited to see you sell your book by the bundle.
The fastest and easiest way to sell thousands of books is to get just ONE company to order your book in quantity.
Many big companies offer books as “premium incentives” to encourage people to buy a particular product, much like your favorite magazine might offer you a clock, t-shirt or other bonus when you renew your subscription. Some companies also buy books to give to their customers as “thank you gifts.” Other firms buy books in quantity to train or inspire their employees. Companies buy mass quantities of books in ALL kinds of categories.
Your book may be perfect for a non-profit, a church or a denomination. Can you create a special edition for your volume orders? We can help at PageMaster Publishing Services. A Special Edition could be a great incentive for them to purchase. Start doing the research and target the company that would fit your book.
Do some research. Figure out how your book will benefit them. Make some phone calls. See who maybe open to the message of your book. Remember to focus on how your book benefits the organization you’re approaching.
We have forms available to help you keep organized doing this and a book marketing coach can help you know how to approach organizations and what to expect. Contact us today.
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