At PageMaster Publishing Services we want to see you succeed in your publishing goals. Bloggers, podcasts, webTV hosts need quality content and if you’re book fits their niche, most will gladly want to connect with you. I often review books on my blog and as a review I’ve come up with 7 Tips to help you approach online media producers with confidence.
Tip #1: Find blogs that are in your niche, who are blogging about the things you’ve written about. I’ve been asked to review everything from websites to arctic boots. If I have to ask “How does this product relate to my community?” Chance are I won’t review it. Tell me how your book relates to my community and I’ll gladly get to know you more.
Tip #2: Become part of the community before pitching your idea. Well thought out comments on posts and joining my email list get me to want to get to know you more.
Tip #3: Before you ask a book blogger to review your book, check the book submission (or review policies) page on their website, and respect those guidelines. I need to update mine but basically if your book fits with my posts, I want to help promote you.
Tip #4: Don’t request book reviews via Twitter, Facebook, forums, etc. Generally, book bloggers want you to send an email. I may be an exception to this as often I connect with people on Twitter before I connect with them on my blog…but see Tip #2 if you really want to connect.
Tip #5: When you email book bloggers your review request, make sure your book is ready. You can tell me it’s a review copy and I’ll understand it may not be at the final product stage. That won’t affect the review, but honestly I like getting the final product.
Tip #6: Write short and clear review requests. I have limited time to review books. Let me know of any deadlines you have. If I can’t meet those deadlines I won’t take the book. Don’t be afraid to give me deadlines. The books that give me none generally go to the bottom of my pile.
Tip #7: Be patient. If you don’t hear from a book blogger for a while, depending on the book submission policy, you can still send a review request for another book. Book bloggers are on social media, but don’t spam them. I don’t mind reminders especially when it helps build a relationship with the person. I find the more I like the author, the faster I review their book.
Why would you want me to review your book? I have over 90,000 followers on Twitter. I have a weekly newsletter that sent to over 2000 people in 78 different countries. I have anywhere from 400 – 600 people read my posts everyday. I book guests for my TV show and give them 4 – 10 minute episodes and turn those into podcasts as well so that gives authors 8 backlinks and 8 times to be broadcast across my social network. You give me great content and I give you decent exposure. It’s a win-win.
Find another 10 bloggers like me in your niche and you have yourself an online marketing strategy.
If you need help planning that online marketing strategy contact me at Pagemaster Publishing Services. Can you think of any other tips to add to this list? Include them in the comments.
New on our blog: 7 Tips on How to Approach A Blogger for Book Reviews –