14 Possible Book Marketing Activities that Could Work for Your Book

In an earlier post we looked at 36 Ways to Market Your Book, there are hundreds more you can come up with. When you decide to launch your marketing campaign you should  do at least 3 marketing tasks a day durning that campaign. They won’t all be time intensive. It could be a simple as adding a link to your sales page in your email signature or Tweeting something about your book or writing about your book signing experience on your blog that gets syndicated across your social network.

The point is you do 3 things everyday to market your book. I have a weekly book marketing plan to help you that I’ll give you in a future post.

Today we want to look at and evaluate 14 Possible Book Marketing Activities That Could Work for Your Book. The reason any of these could work for you book are because they work for you. Even if they’re not in your comfort zone, you’re willing to try them. Don’t do something just because it’s on this list and PLEASE don’t limit your marketing activities to this list. This list is to help you learn how to evaluate each possible activity.

Evaluate every possible activity with these questions:

Is it within my comfort zone?
What is the cost commitment?
What is the time commitment?
Does this activity get your message to your perfect reader?

14 Possible Book Marketing Activities That Could Work for Your Book

  1. Blog
  2. Speeches
  3. Seminars
  4. Podcasts
  5. Webinar
  6. Book Signing
  7. Book Parties
  8. Flea Markets
  9. Churches
  10. Book Readings at Libraries
  11. Trade Shows
  12. Book Fairs
  13. Direct Mail
  14. Book Clubs

What other activities would you like to include? What ones have you tried that you don’t recommend for others? Let’s get discussion going in the comments.
