Discover Author Eleanor Goold

Eleanor Goold is the author of the book Light Through the Darkness, a true story of finding hope and light amid the despair and darkness of family suicide. It is available on

Light Through the Darkness by Eleanor GooldEleanor Goold was born in Portage, Wisconsin and emigrated to Canada with her husband, a pastor, and their daughter Karen, then one-year-old. In grade school she wrote a poem about WWII which was published in the school paper. The summer she was 15 she wrote a book of 15 poems. She went into nurses’ training and became an R.N. and a few years later obtained a BS in Nursing. She worked in Wisconsin mostly in the maternity and newborn ward. When she was in college the professor read what she had written about the first day of nurses’ training to the class as an example of good writing. This was dormant until her husband’s death and the children had grown up. Then she took a refresher course and went back to nursing on the pediatric ward for nine years.

A trip to Austria and Germany one year, and then later to Scotland were the basis of her next literary effort. Then a long trip across the States with her oldest daughter and grandson 18-months-old inspired writing RV-TO GO which was submitted to an Alberta author who taught a creative writing course one summer. When she retired at 57 she could only visualize herself writing because of her health limitations. So this book was started. Health problems kept interrupting. January 2007 she was thrilled to become a great-grandmother of Jayda Robyn Elizabeth Goold.

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