The Art Fuse is lit

Art Fuse begins this Thursday, February 21. It is an evening to celebrate local creatives and share poetry, prose, fine art, music and good coffee. Featured author is poet Edin Viso who published Balkan Tattoo in 2011. His second book is currently in production. The featured art show is a celebration of womanhood by Oksana Zhelisko. […]

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Artstream Studio Rentals and Availability

Edmonton studio rentals and training space availableStudio rentals for shared, private, workshop and teaching use are available in the centrally located, historic Grinnell Warehouse near the former municipal airport. In total of over 9,000 square feet of creative space, adjacent to PageMaster Publishing is available ?on a morning/afternoon/evening basis; or daily, monthly or annual lease. All rentals […]

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Artstream Project

Artstream Project – a magnificent multi-faceted arts hub, is a facility in central Edmonton bringing artists from many disciplines together. We desire to create a very special place where creativity can flourish. We believe that great art requires authentic, supportive, dynamic and resilient community. As artists, we do not create well in isolation. Bringing our resources […]

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Art Stream Launch!

  Calling All Creatives! After months of planning and preparing, the moment has arrived to share the dream. It was a little idea that grew and grew and grew. We cannot contain it any longer. We must share. We asked ourselves this question, “What would happen if we got a pile of artists – creatives […]

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Members of the GANG at Sir Winston Churchill Square in Edmonton, AB

Stirring Memories recognized

Stirring Memories: Reflections and Recipes was recognized in the Edmonton Journal best of 2012 book list featured on page c15 of today’s Journal. The GANG sold over 300 copies at the launch. PageMaster provided design, assembly, printing and binding. The book is available on our online store as well as at locations throughout the city. […]

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Art Stream: Space to Create and Celebrate

Conducive, collaborative, community, creative. These are words that describe the art and publishing centre being birthed on 120th Street. The space is anchored with a gallery–coffee shop meeting area to both celebrate accomplishments and build relationships. Watch for book launches, art show openings and readings in the evenings, and expect a great collaborative meeting place […]

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In excelsis gloria by Lori Youngman

Holiday Hours

Wishing all our friends a peaceful and awe-inspiring break to ponder the miracle of Christmas. PageMaster will be open regular hours (8:30-4:30) the week of December 17-21 closed from Saturday, December 22 though Wednesday, December 26 open Thursday & Friday, December 27-28 closed Saturday, December 29 through Tuesday, January 1 open January 2…. We look […]

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