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1 Dr. Norma Barnett

Discover Author Dr. Norma Barnett

Dr. Norma Barnett is the Dean of Academics for Grace International Bible College in Edmonton, Alberta. She is also an Adjunct Professor of IAUGT Department of Christian Counseling, Dayton Ohio. She has a Bachelors degree in Nursing, an Education Diploma in Adult Education, a Bachelors and Masters degree in Christian Counseling and Christian education. She […]

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1 PageMaster Sites

How to Login to WordPress

At PageMaster Sites  we create marketing websites for authors and artists and train you how to use your site to market your books and art. Check us out today. In this tutorial we show you how to login to WordPress. [youtube][/youtube] See the rest of our online training. Instant SSL

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Terry Bachynski author of Ordinary Guy Extraordinary Marriage

Discover Author Terry Bachynski

Marriage is the most important decision we make. After the wedding lace and confetti comes a lifetime of choice. We can choose to invest the only currency we have as a single person – our “singleness” – and buy into a new unified life with our spouse and then nurture that investment for the rest […]

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