Pen and Paper Image

All About NaNoWriMo

November often signals the start of winter—the days are shorter, the nights are longer. The air becomes crisp and, depending on where you live, there might already be snow on the ground. Many choose to take refuge indoors during November. Some prefer to spend the month binging their favourite series on Netflix, others take up […]

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folding art and note cards

Steps to publish your art as cards, notecards or postcards

Publishing your work as art cards, notebooks and postcardsArt cards, notebooks and postcards are excellent for getting your name out there while earning some coin. Notebooks are working well for abstract artists where color and feeling draw. Postcards are great for photographs and promotion.  Art cards are used as stationary and often framed. They are available in a […]

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Love Letter to My Daughter by Shaunda-Lee Header

Author Shaunda-Lee and Love Letter to My Daughter

Author Shaunda-Lee releases Love Letter to My Daughter We are proud to announce the publication of Shaunda-Lee’s first book. Love Letter to My Daughter. This important guide helps young women recognize the red flags in abusive relationships, and includes empowering and practical advice. In fact, it provides the tools and best practices to avoid violent […]

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Janet by Keith Brower Front Cover Header

Introducing Keith Brower and Janet: My Grandmother’s Stories

We are proud to announce the publication of Keith Brower’s book, Janet: My Grandmother’s Stories—an engaging recollection of one woman’s journey from Quebec to rural Alberta post-WWI as told by Janet’s own captivated grandson. Each chapter is accompanied by a gorgeous black and white illustration designed by Brower himself, and each story is told in […]

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Oscar Gonzalez Silva and From Outta Control

Introducing Oscar Gonzalez Silva and

We are proud to introduce the launch of Oscar Gonzalez Siva’s website in celebration of his book, From Outta Control published through PageMaster Publishing. The book is a self-help guide to getting your own life back in control based on Oscar’s own experiences with addiction and overcoming adversity through daily prayer, changing destructive thought patterns, […]

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