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PageMaster is 29


Today it is 29 years since PageMaster Publication Services Inc. was registered as an Alberta corporation. At first it doesn’t seems as significant as, say 25. But 29 is a special number in a few ways. On leap years we get a bonus day on February 29. In cribbage 29 is the highest possible hand. […]

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Save during the GST holiday

Save tax on printing or buying books before February 15, 2025. The GST holiday declared by the federal government is in effect until February 15, 2024. Printed books are generally GST exempt, including the manufacturing, if delivered and paid for within the holiday. Act now to save on tax. Book printing orders If you are […]

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Edmonton author Janet Hamilton with Hank and other mild mannered neighbours

Janet Hamilton fundraising book launch

Edmonton author Janet Hamilton officially launched Hank and other mild neighbours Monday, November 25 at Queen Mary Park Community League. Book launches are a celebration, and this one included local jazz and desert despite the weather. Janet has been writing about her neighbourhood since she was eight. When she received a notice about the Edmonton […]

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Ranching Like a 12-Year-Old!

Ranching Like a 12-Year-Old: Ranching That is Simple, Easy, and Fun! by author and ranching expert, Tom Krawiec’s is now available on PageMaster In Ranching Like a 12-Year-Old: Ranching That is Simple, Easy, and Fun! PageMaster author / creative, experienced rancher and agripreneur, Tom Krawiec shares his love and passion for ranching. The book aims […]

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Ever wondered what it’s like to be stranded far away from home?

Stranded is an exciting children’s adventure book by PageMaster creative and children’s author, Leanne Church, which you don’t want to miss! The bravery and determination of the main character in Leanne Church’s new book, Stranded, inspires both young and old alike. Little Chelsea witnesses first hand what it’s like to be stranded far away from […]

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Fox Stew 2: Fox Stew Returns!

Fox Stew 2: Fun at the Zoo by children’s author / PageMaster creative, Sandy Smith is now available on PageMaster Readers and followers of Sandy’s Smith’s Fox Stew series will not be disappointed with its sequel, Fox Stew 2. In this exciting sequel, Fox humbly invites Hen to dine at the zoo to enjoy some […]

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Reinventing My World, A Story of Healing

Reinventing My World: Life After Stroke by new PageMaster creative, Joslien Wannechko, is now available on PageMaster! Not everyone lives to tell their story after a major stroke. Joslien Wannechko’s personal memoir, Reinventing My World: Life After Stroke will inspire you and move you. In the author’s own words, “If you allow yourself to feel […]

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Formatting for readability

Line length On a page over 6 inches wide, text lines are generally too long for comfortable reading in a single column. Typesetting guidelines suggest an optimal line length is between 1.5 and 2 alphabets (39-52 characters). The standard letter format with 1″ margins on a 8.5″x11″ page is too long. Do your readers a favour […]

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