Mary Woodbury

Discover Author Mary Woodbury

Mary Woodbury is the author of Jess and the Runaway Grandpa. It is a novel about dealing with Alzheimer’s and is available on Everything is changing way too fast for Jess Baines. Her cat’s been run over. Her best friend, Brian, is turning into a clown. Worst of all, her next-door neighbour, her beloved Grandpa […]

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Stirring Memories Book Cover

Stirring Memories by “The GANG”

The GANG (Grandmothers of Alberta for a New Generation) held a fantastic launch of their new book Stirring Memories:  Reflections and Memories at the Provincial Archives of Alberta on Tuesday, November 20. Stirring Memories  is wonderful collection of food memories and the recipes associated with them. And it is the latest project sponsored by the GANG in their […]

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2 Clair Woodbury

Discover Author Clair Woodbury

Clair Woodbury is author of several books available on including A New Take on an Ancient Story, Leadership for Today, PRISMS and Wings Like Eagles. Clair is an author, church consultant, and an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada. More at Instant SSL

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PageMaster Sites

How To Embed a YouTube Video

At PageMaster we want you be successful in your online marketing. We create websites  and provide you training  to see you succeed. This post is part of our series from our Site Training Workbook. Here’s how to embed a YouTube Video on your WordPress Site without the help of any fancy plugin. The first thing […]

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The Journey We All Must Take by Ernest M Wood is A Collection of Poems, Thoughts and Smiles for Each Day's Journey

Discover Author Ernest M Wood

Ernest M Wood is author of The Journey We All Must Take available on The Journey We All Must Take by Ernest M Wood is a collection of poems, thoughts and smiles for each day’s journey. These writings were written in 2009 by Ernest M Wood. Some of the humour and spiritual digestion portions […]

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Bend Like the Willow

Susan Glasier: Bend Like The Willow

PageMaster is proud to announce the release of Susan Glasier’s penetrating memoir Bend Like the Willow: A Tale of an Arab Promise. The book was recently reviewed by the Red Deer Advocate here. Bend Like the Willow is a many-layered story of a young naïve American girl who sets out for her first year of […]

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