Outpouring of Living Water by Marlene Wilkinson

Discover Author Marlene Wilkinson

Marlene Wilkinson is author of Outpouring of Living Water available on PageMasterPublishing.ca Marlene Wilkinson, an ordained minister, has pastored churches in British Columbia and Saskatchewan, Canada. She founded His Way Ministries in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada where she resides with her husband, Jack Wilkinson. His Way Ministries brings a prophetic message of faith, joy, love and […]

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My Childhood Odyssey by Stella Weber is a true story

Discover Author Stella Weber

Stella Weber is author of My Childhood Odyssey available on PageMasterPublishing.ca My Childhood Odyssey by Stella Weber is the true story of a young girl and her mother as they journey through hardship, loss of freedom, death and hope. The story will move you to anger and tears as you journey with her through five […]

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PageMaster Sites

5 Ways to Build Your Email List

At PageMaster we want you be successful in your online marketing. We create websites  and provide you training  to see you succeed. This post is part of our series from our Site Training Workbook. The best way to build your email list is still the ethical bribe. Market your giveaway instead of marketing your newsletter. […]

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Edin Visio from Yugoslavia

Discover Author Edin Viso

Edin Viso is the author of Balkan Tattoo which is available on PageMasterPublishing.ca. This book was written by a proud Yugoslav who stopped writing when his compatriots disappointed him with their aggressive nationalism that ultimately caused the bloody war between brothers. It communicates the harmony between people who once knew that they share the same […]

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urban Sanctuary

Discover Author Len Thompson

Len Thompson is the founder of the Institute for Evangelical Spiritual Formation, which is part of the Urban Centre based in Edmonton, Alberta. The Centre has a mandate to serve evangelical denominations, pastors and lay people by introducing and training them in the elements of spiritual formation, a key part of developing the inner life. […]

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PageMaster Sites

8 Steps to Creating Your Newsletter

At PageMaster we want you be successful in your online marketing. We create websites  and provide you training  to see you succeed. This post is part of our series from our Site Training Workbook. Here are 8 Steps to creating your newsletter… #1 Create your giveaway first. What information does your audience want or need? […]

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Arthur Thormann

Discover Author Arthur Thormann

Arthur Thormann is author of several books available on PageMasterPublishing.ca including Anecdotes of Would-Be Experts, Characters, Conclusions, Construction Delay Claims, Thoughts in a Maze and Trials & Errors, Laughs & Terrors. Arthur has been involved with construction projects for over half a century and as a consultant on delay claims for a good part of […]

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