Publsihing 25 years, rolling with changes f14plusHarrierFlyBy-P8180456

25 years! Rolling with industry changes!

In the 25 years since incorporating PageMaster, there have been significant disruptions. The intention was never to become a commercial print or graphic design shop; but to provide efficient, high-quality services around publishing. This is a reflection on the past 25 years in publishing, and how the company has rolled with industry changes and opportunities. Three […]

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front cover of death of marx and lenin ideology seyed ali asghar emadi pahandari

Death of Marx & Lenin Ideology

Death of Marx & Lenin Ideology is a read you don’t want to miss. Seyed Ali Asghar Emadi Pahandari is our newest PageMaster creative. PageMaster had the honour of interviewing the new author and his views on Marxism and Leninism. “In the year 1993 or 1994, I used to write about Marxism and Leninism in […]

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Sharing Hope: front cover of hope connections by writers' cafe

Sharing hope through writing

Through this pandemic the Writers’ Café shares hope through writing in their newest book, Hope Connections. In this newest book, each writer expresses their individuality through stories and poems. Stories that not only enlighten one’s heart, but bring about a sense of hope to all readers. In this chaotic world, hope is a friendly reminder […]

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front cover of the wild geese are tracking again by hubert luken

Hubert Luken’s Memoir

New PageMaster Creative Hubert Luken has finally released his memoir, The Wild Geese are Tracking Again. A memoir of war, hardship, family and faith. As a child, he went through hardships with his family during and after World War II in war-torn Germany. One can only imagine what sort of scenes a child would see […]

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front cover of georgie shark and covid-19 by stephanie liu

Explain Covid-19 to your Kids!

Are you having difficulties trying to explain Covid-19 to your Kids? This virus has affected us all traumatically. Even sharks underwater are just as scared as humans about the virus! Dr. Stephanie Liu has released her new kids book Georgie Shark and Covid-19 that helps children better understand the virus and life during the pandemic. […]

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front cover of discover your hidden self by john murray

John Murray in Discover Your Hidden Self

John Murray is another new PageMaster creative highlighting his new book Discover your Hidden Self. This book will not only lift your spirit, but also provides hope, purpose and encouragement. When you have self-confidence and find peace within yourself, you are capable of anything. John Murray wants others to have a better perspective of themselves […]

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front cover of creative robert proudfoot book

Introducing Creative Robert Proudfoot

PageMaster is proud to introduce new creative Robert Proudfoot, with his book A Playful Policeman Meets the Citizen-Making Teacher. A Playful Policeman Meets the Citizen-Making Teacher looks into the adventurous lives of two multi-generation Prince Edward Islanders. Notably, they were among thousands of migrating people who helped build and shape Edmonton. Robert Proudfoot is the […]

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