Canadian vs. American vs. British spelling

Canadian vs. American spelling

Choosing Canadian vs. American spelling shouldn’t be left up to the default settings in your word processor. Language and culture do matter to your readers. For some words there can be regional differences: color is more common in the west and colour in Eastern Canada although more Canadian resources are helping consistency. Consider your audience […]

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Africa It's time by Charles Balenga, cover design by Dale Youngman

Book Cover Design Primer

Presenting your book – a book cover primerFirst impressions are important in life and for your book. Each aspect of a skillful book cover design builds anticipation and communicates your content. The front cover calls the reader and gets the book noticed and picked up. The back cover’s job is to get the book opened.First […]

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Anton Chekov author image

Writers on writing, and rewriting

Write well: writers on writing, and re-writing Following the earlier post Setting Clear Objectives; You have identified your target reader, know your big idea, have defined the structure, and immersed yourself in the subject. Writing provides the opportunity to reflect, revise and polish. The words tumble out, sometimes in perfect order, but usually somewhat raw. […]

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excellent writing: clear objectives

Excellent writing: Clear objectives and one big idea

Excellent writing begins before the draftGreat writing is rooted in clear thinking. By setting clear objectives before the draft, writing will be easier, more effective and faster. A compelling article, engaging book or riveting speech brings one main point clearly into focus and, with supporting content, evokes a response. Excellent writing begins with clarity. Before the […]

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November Sunrise reflected at PageMaster

Join Team PageMaster

Help Canadian Creatives Successfully PublishJoin PageMaster as a team member, supplier or freelancer and assist us in our goal of helping 5,000 Canadian creatives successfully publish before 2025. Our business is graphic communication. At our core, we take of an idea and grow it, and polish it, and reproduce it, and distribute it, so the […]

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PageMaster book distribution options - shipping

Book distribution options – your book available

3 ways to distribute your book On Your OwnNo PageMaster Distributiongreat for family books and course material contact us about your needs We Help You SellBasic PageMaster Distributionincrease your reachincluding on-line salesWE HANDLE THE DETAILS get started + Enlist 3rd PartiesPageMaster Premium Distributionincrease your market exposure through more than 39,000 retailers, libraries, and other points of sale.  […]

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book sales through bookstore at PageMaster

Book Sales Through Stores

Sell your books through stores+ Enlist 3rd PartiesPageMaster Premium DistributionINCREASE YOUR MARKET EXPOSURE THROUGH MORE THAN 39,000 RETAILERS, LIBRARIES, AND OTHER POINTS OF SALE. Reach broader markets with world-wide availabilityChoose PageMaster Premium Distribution for book sales in stores. Make your book available in bookstores and other booksellers world-wide. We partner with major distributors to expand your […]

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