PageMaster book distribution options - shipping

Sales help for your book

We help you sell and ship your books Basic PageMaster Distributionincrease your reachincluding on-line salesWE HANDLE THE DETAILS Best for niche markets you can reach easilyAdd your book to our on-line and local Edmonton store and we will handle the details of e-commerce sales and shipping for your books. Our basic distribution is available as a free […]

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Alberta author, Graham Clews

Discover author Graham Clews

Author Graham Clews Alberta author Graham Clews wrote his first novel in 1980. This World War II adventure story with a humorous slant, titled Don’t Budge was submitted to the Alberta Search for a Novelist contest, and tied for first place against approximately 50 submissions. Doubleday Canada displayed interest. But, after holding the novel for over a […]

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PageMaster book distribution options - shipping

Selling More Books: Book Distribution Expanded

Bookstore Distribution Expanded Getting books out is hard. Since the setup of our book distribution services in 2012, lots has been done, including upgrading our on-line store in 2016. But it isn’t enough. Bookstore managers have told me that ordering through Ingram saves shipping and hassle. Having that alternative would be better for them, rather […]

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Dangers in self-publishing by Dale Youngman

Dangers in Self-Publishing

Dangers in Self-PublishingBy Dale Youngman This article was originally written to authors and was published in the May 2015 edition of FellowScript.Never before has it been so easy to enter the market and have your work available to the public. The entire communication industry is going through massive changes affecting both business models and marketing […]

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