Category Archives for "PageMaster Creatives"

Edmonton author Janet Hamilton with Hank and other mild mannered neighbours

Janet Hamilton fundraising book launch

Edmonton author Janet Hamilton officially launched Hank and other mild neighbours Monday, November 25 at Queen Mary Park Community League. Book launches are a celebration, and this one included local jazz and desert despite the weather. Janet has been writing about her neighbourhood since she was eight. When she received a notice about the Edmonton […]

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front cover of the wild geese are tracking again by hubert luken

Hubert Luken’s Memoir

New PageMaster Creative Hubert Luken has finally released his memoir, The Wild Geese are Tracking Again. A memoir of war, hardship, family and faith. As a child, he went through hardships with his family during and after World War II in war-torn Germany. One can only imagine what sort of scenes a child would see […]

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front cover of discover your hidden self by john murray

John Murray in Discover Your Hidden Self

John Murray is another new PageMaster creative highlighting his new book Discover your Hidden Self. This book will not only lift your spirit, but also provides hope, purpose and encouragement. When you have self-confidence and find peace within yourself, you are capable of anything. John Murray wants others to have a better perspective of themselves […]

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front cover of creative robert proudfoot book

Introducing Creative Robert Proudfoot

PageMaster is proud to introduce new creative Robert Proudfoot, with his book A Playful Policeman Meets the Citizen-Making Teacher. A Playful Policeman Meets the Citizen-Making Teacher looks into the adventurous lives of two multi-generation Prince Edward Islanders. Notably, they were among thousands of migrating people who helped build and shape Edmonton. Robert Proudfoot is the […]

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front cover of edmonton through the eyes of its artists by swca

Introducing SWCA: Edmonton Artists

PageMaster would like to acknowledge new creatives. Local Edmonton artists, affiliated in the Society of Western Canadian Artist (SWCA). Edmonton artists show the beauty of Edmonton in their new book, Edmonton Through the Eyes of its Artists. To illustrate, this book takes the time to depict Edmonton as the stunning and beautiful city it is. […]

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