Category Archives for "PageMaster News"

PageMaster is 29


Today it is 29 years since PageMaster Publication Services Inc. was registered as an Alberta corporation. At first it doesn’t seems as significant as, say 25. But 29 is a special number in a few ways. On leap years we get a bonus day on February 29. In cribbage 29 is the highest possible hand. […]

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Publsihing 25 years, rolling with changes f14plusHarrierFlyBy-P8180456

25 years! Rolling with industry changes!

In the 25 years since incorporating PageMaster, there have been significant disruptions. The intention was never to become a commercial print or graphic design shop; but to provide efficient, high-quality services around publishing. This is a reflection on the past 25 years in publishing, and how the company has rolled with industry changes and opportunities. Three […]

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2 covid-19 social distancing

Access during Covid-19

It has been over two years since “three weeks to bend the curve”. Things are fairly normal in March 2022. Masks are optional, let us know if you prefer staff to wear a mask. We ask for appointments for all consultations, but you can pickup or drop off anytime we are open. Drop in and check […]

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Alberta Leg on Canada Day

Stat Holidays at PageMaster

We are a Canadian based business based in Alberta and are closed for celebration and rejuvenation on the following national and regional holidays. There are nine stat holidays in Alberta, with Easter Monday, Heritage Day, and Boxing Day optional. For regular hours and location see PageMaster is closed on the following days: January 1 […]

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PageMaster book distribution options - shipping

Selling More Books: Book Distribution Expanded

Bookstore Distribution Expanded Getting books out is hard. Since the setup of our book distribution services in 2012, lots has been done, including upgrading our on-line store in 2016. But it isn’t enough. Bookstore managers have told me that ordering through Ingram saves shipping and hassle. Having that alternative would be better for them, rather […]

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