This is the final post in this series. I hoped you enjoyed the posts along the way. They are listed in order at the bottom of every post in the series – I’ve got to love automation.
Take your “Steps to Complete” in the Marketing Plan Overview you created and make them into goals for the week.
Download and Print off the Weekly Book Marketing Plan for as many weeks as you’ll be marketing your book. Use the left side to generate your plan for the week. Take them to the priorities for the days you want. Move the priorities for the day to the time of the day that fits your schedule.
Plan three marketing events a day for the time you’re able to spend.
If you need any help making these workable goals to achieve your publishing success please contact us at PageMaster Publication Services. We’ve got seminars and coaching times available to help you. These are done in person and online, so you can be here in Edmonton or anywhere else in the world.
Have fun! Get your book into your perfect readers hands. You didn’t write the book for it to sit on the shelf. You’ve got a message others need to hear. Contact us if we can help.
Your Weekly Book Marketing Plan: