Just Published! – Snowflake

Recently published here at PageMaster is the wonderful AND educational children’s book written by Ilona Ryder and illustrated by Junneal Gomez. How is a snowflake made? Check out their book today and find out! The best part is that this book has a dual purpose and doubles as a coloring book. Take a seat with […]

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Artist Sites

PageMaster Sites are tailored to the needs of artists. We’ve worked with artists for years, doing art reproduction, and have gained insight into artists’ needs and frustrations regarding websites. PageMaster Sites for artists seek to provide a simple, effective way for artists to maintain a web presence. You can view our sample sites here. Content […]

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17 Ways to Focus on Your Book’s Key Audience

At PageMaster Publication Services we know that focusing on your book’s key audience will help you design a marketing plan that enables you to reach your publishing and sales goals. Who is your ideal or core target audience, and why? In order to identify what characteristics are shared by your ideal readers answer the following […]

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