Art for Awards - image by Aaron Paquet

Local Art for Awards

Local art awards are unique and memorable. For the December 1oth Gall Conference on Children’s Rights, PageMaster prepared five awards. The original, The World We Create, acrylic on canvas is by Aaron Paquette (an ArtStream Project artist). The image was digitally captured, printed and framed by PageMaster for the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and […]

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Three buildings south

The search for a place to flourish has led us just three buildings south, to the historic Grinnell Warehouse at 11340 120 Street. Built between 1951 and 1953, the building has character and space to grow our vision of a vibrant publishing centre. Over the last few years our business has evolved from the primary […]

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Art Fuse Recap

Thank you to EVERYONE who braved the freezing cold and treacherous roads to make it down to Art Fuse last night. The brave few who gathered were rewarded handsomely by stellar readings from authors Anne Hamre and Taras Kaznasty, a moving exposition on her art and the artistic process by Lori Anne Youngman, and an […]

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