Alberta author Graham Clews released his eighth book “No Turning Back” in July 2017.
Author Graham Clews
Alberta author Graham Clews wrote his first novel in 1980. This World War II adventure story with a humorous slant, titled Don’t Budge was submitted to the Alberta Search for a Novelist contest, and tied for first place against approximately 50 submissions.
Doubleday Canada displayed interest. But, after holding the novel for over a year Doubleday returned the manuscript explaining that it had been “bumped”. The episode was a ‘learning experience’, says Graham. The principal lesson being a comment by one of the editors, “Graham, we would publish this tomorrow if you were someone!”
In early 2007 Graham published Eboracum, The Village, a novel based on the founding of the English City of York (Eboracum) by the Romans in AD 71. This novel won the Premier Book Awards best historic novel of 2007/8. There are three books in the series and a fourth follows the story of Eboracum.
Also available are a juvenile novel, an autobiography and a political commentary. The last four books have been produced with PageMaster’s assistance.
Eight books by Graham are available on our online store: PageMaster Publishing.
For more information on what Graham is working on, visit his site