Category Archives for "PageMaster News"

Art Fuse Recap

Thank you to EVERYONE who braved the freezing cold and treacherous roads to make it down to Art Fuse last night. The brave few who gathered were rewarded handsomely by stellar readings from authors Anne Hamre and Taras Kaznasty, a moving exposition on her art and the artistic process by Lori Anne Youngman, and an […]

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The Art Fuse is lit

Art Fuse begins this Thursday, February 21. It is an evening to celebrate local creatives and share poetry, prose, fine art, music and good coffee. Featured author is poet Edin Viso who published Balkan Tattoo in 2011. His second book is currently in production. The featured art show is a celebration of womanhood by Oksana Zhelisko. […]

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Artstream Project

Artstream Project – a magnificent multi-faceted arts hub, is a facility in central Edmonton bringing artists from many disciplines together. We desire to create a very special place where creativity can flourish. We believe that great art requires authentic, supportive, dynamic and resilient community. As artists, we do not create well in isolation. Bringing our resources […]

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