Why You Need A Book Marketing Plan

At PageMaster Publication Services we want to see your book sales goals achieved.

Your book is written. Your job is done. It’s time to just sit back and wait for the movie deal.

Well, maybe not yet.

There’s about 90% more work to do. In many ways, the toughest part is still left to be done. If you want your book to be bought and read by the widest possible audience, you have to let readers know that it’s available, and that means marketing.

You’re marketing yourself, not just your book. Every author needs to know that they do the marketing. Even if your name is Stephen King, it’s your name that sells your book. Anyone who writes a book will need to do the majority of the marketing, whether the book is self-produced or published by a small press or a large New York publisher.

Most authors are most comfortable in their own world, with characters they control. So the idea of marketing can be the toughest challenge to overcome. Can you sense the conflict in this emerging novel?

We want to see you succeed, so we’ll give you advice and suggestions so you know where to start. You need to take advantage of the fact that you know your book, and you know its intended audience. You need to start with a book marketing plan. We have a workbook that is designed to help you.

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all book marketing plan. The best marketing plan for your book will depend on the type of book or information product you’re selling, the audience, your budget and time constraints, and your skills and interests. Our workbook helps you work through the possibilities available.

Contact us today to help create your book marketing plan.
